Sunday, February 10, 2008

Antartic Ice Bar

Ok so last night was sooo much fun! It was definitely a once in a lifetime experiance. So at 12:30 last night we got all dressed up and went to San Martin, a really upscale bar area probably equivalent to Lincoln Park, and went to Antartic. To get in its 7.000 pesos which is probably around 15 dollars, but that includes a trago fuerte hard licquor and a cerveza beer. The beer was Heinneken too, so not like really bad Cristal or Escudo. So you go up there and this guy hands you gloves and you go into a room that's a little cold but not really and they give you a winter jacket. I was suprised how cute they were for being the jackets they give you to wear. Then you go to the bar and get a drink. You really can't get soda because it will freeze. The whole bar is kept at -5ºC! BRRRRR! So then the bartender puts your drink in a regular class but hands you this block of ice with a big whole and you go sit down on these fur covered ice benches and pour it in a little by little and drink it. Its sooo cute. We probably stayed there for 2 hours maybe and by the end we were sooo cold! My toes were hurting a lot and I had polarfleece socks on!

Well that was an experiance and I'm glad I got to leave the winter wonderland where you guys have to live in it :( Hope all is well!
Sorrry I can't get the pictures up at the moment, but I'll work on it!!!

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